Sunday, February 26, 2012

Detroit's Back

GM is once again the largest carmaker in the world. 1,450,000 jobs have been saved. GM has had its largest — ever. Michigan has it's lowest unemployment rate in three years. GM will be able to pay off its loans in a short amount of time. Yet Mitt Romney still defends his stance of "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt," believing that Detroit could have rebuilt itself. Much like how I am building a factory outside my house without any money. Several conservative publications have even said that they were wrong about letting Detroit go bankrupt. Maybe it's time for Romney to admit he was wrong, so that he can start doing something other than praising the height of the trees and the color of the grass in Michigan.

But of course, government intervention never works. Please ignore this event.

"A Million Jobs." Editorial. The New York Times 26 Feb. 2012. The New York Times. The New York
     Times, 25 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.

"GM Earns Its Highest Profit Ever in 2011 with $7.6 Billion; Overseas Losses Cut 4Q Profit."
     Washington Post. The Washington Post, 16 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.

Jamieson, Dave. "Mitt Romney Defends 2008 Stance to 'Let Detroit Go Bankrupt'" The Huffington Post., 22 Feb. 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2012.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Girl Scouts: Minions of Satan

I just want to say that recently, my conviction that the Republican party is lost beyond all means of short-term recovery was reconfirmed. Indiana Representative Bob Morris recently said that through research on the internet, he came to the conclusion that the Girl Scouts are an evil, pro-abortion, pro-communist, pro-lesbian, pro-feminist group. It is interesting to note that he fails to provide where he got this misinformation from. Last I checked, the only thing that most people have ever seen Girl Scouts promoting is cookies. But hey, who knows. Maybe cookies are evil maniacs planning on taking over the world!

Morris also claims that Planned Parenthood has an agenda of "sexualizing" little girls through the Girl Scouts. This guy is messed up. He vies abortions as the biggest evil of our time! Because there is nothing else remotely bad going on, right? And once again, the hypocrisy: "Small government, unless I want big government!" Best part: his daughters used to be part of the Girls Scouts. Used to, until he decided to accuse the Girl Scouts of being evil.

Jaffe, Matthew. "No Do-Si-Dos Here: Indiana Republican Rips Girl Scouts." ABC News. ABC News
     Network, 22 Feb. 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2012.
Sabella, Jen. "Bob Morris, Indiana Lawmaker, Apologizes For Girl Scouts Comments." The Huffington 
     Post., 24 Feb. 2012. Web. 25 Feb. 2012. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Church Contraceptives

Obama is making Catholic institutions provide coverage for contraceptives as part of their health care. Of course, this is part of what employers are legally bound to provide in America. But what some people (like John Boehner, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Mitch McConnell) are doing is calling this a war on religion, which is quite ridiculous. And given that the religious institutions pay no taxes, the LEAST they can do is FOLLOW THE LAW.

Really, it's not that big of a deal. Why are Republicans more angry about this than the Pope? Because it helps them stay in office. They also seem to think it'll win them the White House; in truth, it will only alienate the independents. Below, a video with a speaker from CPAC, and Rick Santorum spouting some more of his crazy ideas.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Jessica Ahlquist

Recently, Jessica Ahlquist had a religious banner removed from her public school after winning a court case. Given the separation of Church and State, this was the right thing to do. Cranston High School West having the banner was actually illegal. The prayer read "Our Heavenly Father, grant us each day the desire to do our best, to grow mentally and morally as well as physically, to be hind and helpful....Amen." Now, there's nothing wrong with a message of mental and moral growth. But this issue remains that school sanctioned religion and prayer is illegal. However, prayer in school is NOT illegal, as the Right would like you to believe. She didn't even start the movement; she was a major part of it, but not the originator.

And now, to the sad part: people are threatening to kill her. She is being insulted and threatened simply because she is an atheist. "Let's all jump that girl who did the banner #fuckthatho" reads one threat. "lol I wanna stick that bitch lol" reads another. Yes, that kid is saying "lol" about killing someone with a knife."Brb ima go drown that atheist in holy water," which seems like an oxymoron, because one would assume that murdering someone with holy water would make it un-holy. Of course, comments like "wen the atheist dies, they believe they will become a tree, so we shld chop her down, turn her into paper then PRINT THE BIBLE ON HER" show a horrid lack of knowledge about atheism. I believe these idiots have it mixed up with Shintoism, or Pokémon. "literally that bitch is insane, and the best part is she already transferred schools because shes knows someone will jump her #ahaha." What we're really learning here is that religion isn't helping these people be nice. It's making the violent and stupid. Of course, the best is "When I take over the world I'm going to do a holocaust to all the atheists." Because Ahlquist was part of getting rid of a sign that is illegal, we have Christian kids THREATENING TO MURDER MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. They're GLORIFYING the holocaust. And people claim religion is the only reason we have morality...right.

What's great is that even Rhode Island State Representative Peter G. Palumbo said "we're crucifying Jesus again," calling Ahlquist a "pawn star," a "clapping seal," and an "evill little thing." One would hope that a Representative would be more mature. Obviously not. I have sent Representative Palumbo (a DEMOCRAT, surprisingly enough) an email. If/when I receive a response, I will put it up here. 

Christina, Greta. "Why Is an Atheist High School Student Getting Vicious Death Threats? Home | 
     AlterNet. 18 Jan. 2012. 13 Feb. 2012. 

Goodnough, Abby. "Student Faces Town's Wrath in Protest Against a Prayer. The New York Times
     26 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Best of Us All

As you undoubtedly know, many people seem to think that priests are great people. Not sure why, considering many of them do almost nothing except rant on God. Now, there are those to do service projects, but that is what makes them great people; not the fact that they are priests. Interesting side-note: when the Mormons gave up polygamy, a small sect of them broke off and continues to practice. They often "marry" teenage girls. It's sickening.

And here's something else: a new case of child sex abuse involving the Catholic Church! 200 priests, many of whom have admitted to sexually abusing children yet who have not been convicted anything, are living in California. So guess what the great Catholic Church did in 2007? It reached a $660 million settlement, a massive coverup, instead of addressing the problem. The Church KNOWS that there is a large amount of sex abuse going on, yet all it does is cover it up. And the Church is supposed to be a great moral entity.

Two syllables: bull-shit.

Snepp, Frank, and Tara Kangarlou. "200 Priests Suspected of Abuse Living in California, Victims'
     Lawyer Says." U.S. News. 11 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Feb. 2012.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Evil Ellen

Apparently, since Ellen is Lesbian, she is evil, and JC Penny should fire her. "The majority of JC Penny shoppers will be offended [by JC Penny hiring Ellen deGeneres as a spokesperson] and choose to no longer shop there," said the American Family Association. Given that JC Penny has not collapsed in massive financial failure, I think that they were wrong there. I think that, in truth, the majority of JC Penny shoppers do not care who the spokesperson is. Tim Cook is gay, and the CEO of Apple now. Yet last I checked, if the laptop I'm typing this on has a problem, I can still take it to the Genius Bar. "One Million Moms, which claims to be 'the most powerful tool you have to stand up against the immorality, violence, vulgarity and profanity the entertainment media is throwing at your children,' is going after one of the country's most well-liked television hosts" (Reuters). Last I checked, being lesbian did not mean that someone was inherently evil. These people are, quite simply, crazy. The Bible is not a legitimate source for business plans or governmental action. Once again: look at Jeremiah 10:2. It quite obviously is anti-Christmas tree. Just a little odd.

Weinstein, Joshua L. "One Million Moms to JC Penny: Ellen's Gay -- Fire Her." Business & 
     Financial News, Breaking US & International News | 01 Feb. 2012. Web. 11 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Failing Education Standards?

Today, I took the math portion of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). Not interesting, I know.

Of course, the questions tended to be around the difficulty of the last one: "If -x=-2, then x is equal to what?" Hmm, good question. Maybe "x=the-education-standards-of-the-state-and-country-are-so-rapidly-declining-that-to-now-pass-the-CAHSEE-all-you-need-is-a-fifth-grade-education." I find it depressing. To get through 46 problems that were supposed to show a sophisticated knowledge of math, it took me ten minutes. Problem much?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prop 8 Overturned

Finally. The Proposition from 2008 has been ruled unconstitutional, because it denied same-sex couples the ability to marry. Of course, in California, they had every other right associated with a partnership. This is great news, unless you're a conservative. Then it means that we're going to have massive problems in America because God is angry. Of course, God doesn't like Christmas trees (Jeremiah 10:2)(seriously, look it up), and last I checked, trees have not yet destroyed America. "Proposition 8 served no purpose, and had no effect, other than to lessen the status and the human dignity of gays and lesbians in California," said the Court (Prop 8). To read the full decision, go here. And of course, the Mormons have to respond. Last I checked, those guys are based in Salt Lake City. I'm not sure about this, but I don't think that's in California (sarcasm: of course it's not). They, of course, hate it. Apparently, they had also put a lot of money into getting Prop 8 passed. Maybe they should stick to their own state, instead of trying to fight gay rights everywhere.

"Mormon Church Responds to Prop. 8 Ruling." Salt Lake City, Utah News, Weather, Traffic, Sports, 
     Breaking News and Severe Weather Coverage. Mormon, LDS News, KTVX - - Salt Lake City, 
     Utah News. 07 Feb. 2012. Web. 07 Feb. 2012. <

"Prop. 8: Gay-marriage Ban Unconstitutional, Court Rules." Blogs - 07 Feb. 2012. Web. 07 
     Feb. 2012. <