Monday, February 13, 2012

Jessica Ahlquist

Recently, Jessica Ahlquist had a religious banner removed from her public school after winning a court case. Given the separation of Church and State, this was the right thing to do. Cranston High School West having the banner was actually illegal. The prayer read "Our Heavenly Father, grant us each day the desire to do our best, to grow mentally and morally as well as physically, to be hind and helpful....Amen." Now, there's nothing wrong with a message of mental and moral growth. But this issue remains that school sanctioned religion and prayer is illegal. However, prayer in school is NOT illegal, as the Right would like you to believe. She didn't even start the movement; she was a major part of it, but not the originator.

And now, to the sad part: people are threatening to kill her. She is being insulted and threatened simply because she is an atheist. "Let's all jump that girl who did the banner #fuckthatho" reads one threat. "lol I wanna stick that bitch lol" reads another. Yes, that kid is saying "lol" about killing someone with a knife."Brb ima go drown that atheist in holy water," which seems like an oxymoron, because one would assume that murdering someone with holy water would make it un-holy. Of course, comments like "wen the atheist dies, they believe they will become a tree, so we shld chop her down, turn her into paper then PRINT THE BIBLE ON HER" show a horrid lack of knowledge about atheism. I believe these idiots have it mixed up with Shintoism, or Pokémon. "literally that bitch is insane, and the best part is she already transferred schools because shes knows someone will jump her #ahaha." What we're really learning here is that religion isn't helping these people be nice. It's making the violent and stupid. Of course, the best is "When I take over the world I'm going to do a holocaust to all the atheists." Because Ahlquist was part of getting rid of a sign that is illegal, we have Christian kids THREATENING TO MURDER MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. They're GLORIFYING the holocaust. And people claim religion is the only reason we have morality...right.

What's great is that even Rhode Island State Representative Peter G. Palumbo said "we're crucifying Jesus again," calling Ahlquist a "pawn star," a "clapping seal," and an "evill little thing." One would hope that a Representative would be more mature. Obviously not. I have sent Representative Palumbo (a DEMOCRAT, surprisingly enough) an email. If/when I receive a response, I will put it up here. 

Christina, Greta. "Why Is an Atheist High School Student Getting Vicious Death Threats? Home | 
     AlterNet. 18 Jan. 2012. 13 Feb. 2012. 

Goodnough, Abby. "Student Faces Town's Wrath in Protest Against a Prayer. The New York Times
     26 Jan. 2012. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. <

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