Monday, March 12, 2012


To any Conservatives who may read this blog: it's not a bad thing, you dolts (I've wanted to use that for a while).

Let's look at some Republican claims about the Affordable Care Act: it's communist, it's socialist, it's a government take over, it gives us Canadian healthcare, blah blah blah.

Let's look at what it actually does: gives care to the uninsured, checks healthcare costs, makes insurance companies spend at least 80% of the money you pay them on you, cover preventative care, improve computer systems, pay for medicare, make medicaid easier to use, et cetera.

Of course, you could argue it doesn't do any of that. Obama is just a secret Communist Muslim involved in a massive cover-up (sarcasm). On top of that, private insurance companies are not destroyed, and we don't get Canadian style healthcare. Of course, if you were to actually look into it, you would realize that Canadian healthcare is actually pretty effective.

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